22 Truths

Easy to read, valuable, clever, honest — and if you make art, important.

22 Truths on Art and Art-making is a concise collection of frank observations and real-world advice that will help you make better art. Pocket-sized and packed with insight, 22 Truths clearly articulates key principles that every artist should understand and only purposefully disregard. The perspectives and anecdotes inside outline how artists can honestly assess their work, avoid creative paralysis and move confidently ahead. It’s essential and inspiring reading for students, educators, seasoned professionals and all manner of art practitioners in between.


22 Truths is now being printed in limited edition small runs. You’ll be able to order directly from online booksellers soon. In the meantime, you can inquire about making an order by contacting the author directly via email at tom.dolan@gmail.com

fig 1: Sample spread of Truth #7 Read more.

“A kind of neutrino star of art books. Dense, impossibly expansive, full of good energy.”

— Keith Yamashita, author & photographer


Thomas Dolan is an American artist living in Los Angeles. His work operates in the spaces where art and design overlap and explores the ways aesthetic objects produce meaning. His creative output spans multiple mediums: painting, objects, collage, digital ouput, music and critical writing. He attended Pomona College, and has degrees from ArtCenter College of Design and California Institute of the Arts.

You can discover more about his work online at dolanarts.com